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Water Loss Prevention / Mitigation Material

As we have all just survived the first major snowfall of the year and colder temperatures on the way, we wanted to take a moment to touch base with our clients and followers. 

Winter is just around the corner and that means we are entering the season of water damage claims.  These events can be very large and costly, but with the right amount of planning and pro-active work the majority of these claims can be avoided.  This results in lower annual insurance premiums and helps to keep your unit owners warm and dry.

the Hub risk services team has put together some water mitigation material that we hope you will find useful. 

Please take a read though the attachments, share them with your boards, put them up in your buildings and take some of the information form them to prevent costly water damage claims from occurring.  Remind your unit owners to keep windows and doors shut, keep the heat on in their units and regularly check their toilet and fridge supply lines. 

Let’s all stay warm and dry this winter.